Notice on the publication of the prospectus and the initial offer of shares

On 17.3.2017 Croatian Financial Services Supervision Agency (hereinafter: HANFA) issued a Decision (Class: UP/I 972-02/16-01/53, Registration number: 326-01-440-443-17-7) by which Zodaks Investments doo for the management of investment funds issues approval for the establishment and management of the Zodaks Cash UCITS fund, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the Zodaks Cash UCITS fund, as well as the approval of the choice of the depository of Hrvatske poštanska banka dd.
Pursuant to Article 245 of the Act on Open Investment Funds with Public Offering (Official Gazette: 44/16, hereinafter: the Act), the initial offer of Zodaks Cash fund shares will begin on March 23, 2017. years. The period of the initial offer in accordance with point 5 of the Prospectus ends on the day of collection of the minimum amount of HRK 5,000,000.00. At the end of the initial offer period, the Company will start investing the investors' funds.
We invite all interested investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus, Rules and Key Information for investors of the Zodaks Cash Fund, which are available in electronic form on the Company's website or the Company can deliver them via e-mail before making an investment decision. or mail at the request of potential investors.
In the event that by the end of the period of the initial offer of shares, the anticipated amount of the lowest value of the Fund's assets is not collected, the Company will return the paid funds to the investors within 15 days from the end of the offer, i.e. by May 7, 2017 at the latest.